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Hello again and welcome to the show, if this happens to be your first time listening.
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You are listening to Choose to Endure, the show dedicated to the non-elite runners, where we share stories, interviews, gear and training tips specific to the tail-end heroes of the Ultra Universe.
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Specific to the tail-end heroes of the Ultra Universe.
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My name's Richard Gleave.
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I have been running Ultras since 2017.
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I have taken on and finished numerous ultras at this point, all the way up through my current max of 220 miles, and I am very much a member unashamedly so of the back of the pack, just like many of you guys out there.
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Today's episode is a really cool one, one I've wanted to do for a while.
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It's about a special kind of race the journey race.
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Now, these aren't your typical out and back or looped ultras.
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Journey races are usually point-to-point adventures.
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They often span multiple days and typically they cover pretty vast distances, sometimes through some of the most beautiful and challenging landscapes that are out there for us to run through.
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What really sets these races apart, though, is that they're not just about crossing the finish line.
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I've done a few of these, and I think, more than most, these races are about the experience.
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Hence the term journey run.
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It's about the journey.
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These runs are all about the sights, the people and the miles in between.
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For back of the pack runners like you and I, for back-of-the-pack runners like you and I, these races are an opportunity to embrace the joy of the journey and really redefine what success looks like.
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In this episode, I'm going to explore what I think makes journey races so unique the mindset needed to fully enjoy them, a few practical tips for preparing based on my own experience, and some interesting stories from the trail.
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So if you're ready to go, let's dive in.
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Who've been right where you are?
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This is the Choose to Endure Ultra Running Podcast With your host.
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He's English, not Australian Richard Gleave.
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All right, probably makes sense to start at the beginning.
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So what sets Journey Races apart from your typical ultra marathon journey races apart from your typical ultra marathon?
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Well, as I said, journey races are all about adventure, which is really cool.
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Unlike a looped course, they usually take you from point A to point B, often through pretty remote, interesting terrain that's going to challenge both your body and your spirit.
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These races are specifically designed to be an experience rather than a competition, so much so that the journey itself is considered the reward.
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Now there is a scenic factor involved, too.
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Journey races, as I said, often traverse pretty amazing landscapes.
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It really runs the gamut here Mountains, deserts, forests, coastal journey runs and really everything in between isn't on how fast you can go, but it's about being in that moment, soaking in the beauty around you and being a part of that community for the time it takes you to run through and be in it.
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One of the most distinctive features of journey races, though, is that there are usually absolutely, absolutely no support in the form of aid stations.
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Participants, we rely entirely on ourselves, along with places like shops and other people that you're going to encounter along the way.
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That's how you sustain yourself during the race.
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Pretty interesting, no aid stations.
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Pretty interesting, no aid stations.
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So this means you've got to carry what you think you'll need on your back and then supplement it as necessary, and that's a really cool little angle to approach these races.
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There are no drop bags here, think ahead about what you believe you'll need and look for pieces of gear that are going to perform multiple jobs along the way.
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Other considerations are you know, do you stop to eat?
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Are there places open to where you can refill your water?
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Remember, there are no aid stations here, so you know you need to eat, you need to get water and you need to sleep.
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Should you stay in a hotel for recovery and the food?
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Typically you get a nice breakfast in the morning in a hotel I can definitely attest to that one or do you keep pushing through the night?
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Journey races, I think, require really creative problem solving and logistical planning, and that's why I think in in part, they really differ from even other races of similar lengths.
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They also often lack cut-offs, since there are no aid stations to associate cut-offs with.
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That makes these events a lot more about self-sufficiency and self-determination.
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It really is a true sort of choose your own adventure experience.
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Now, many journey races maybe most journey races are going to span multiple days three, four, five, even six days so they're going to require runners to be really adaptable and mentally tough.
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It's not just a test of endurance, but it really is a test of your own resilience.
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They also have very much a community feel about them.
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These journey races quite often foster a sense of camaraderie among the participants.
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When you're out there for days sharing the trail with others, then the connections you inevitably end up building turn out to be pretty deeply meaningful.
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There is no hiding out there on one of these runs.
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A great example of a true journey race would be the Swami Shuffle the 200 that I did last year and actually I'm doing again this year because it was really awesome down the Outer Banks of North Carolina town to town following the road Fantastic.
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Unlike races with aid stations and structured support, this event emphasizes self-reliance and the adventure of figuring things out as you go.
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On the other hand, if you look at a big race like, let's say, the May race that I have coming up Cocodona 250 or Bigfoot 200 or Moab 240, those races also offer an incredible experience and really stunning landscapes.
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But they don't fall into this journey category since they have aid stations and defined structured support for runners along the way.
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All are incredible events, but the distinction highlights really what makes journey races uniquely challenging and rewarding.
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So there's also a mindset shift involved in journey racing.
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You've really got to figure out how to be present in the journey.
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You need to shift your mindset from racing to perhaps exploring challenge the typical ultra running narrative, I think, of chasing cutoffs or podium.
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Instead, they invite you to slow down, take in the surroundings and focus on being present in the moment.
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Success in a journey race at least for us, towards the back of the pack isn't going to be about your pace or finish time.
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I think it's more about completing the course on your own terms, allowing yourself to pause, take photos, enjoy the view, enjoy the experience and there's going to be struggles, so embrace them.
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Every journey race has its highs and lows.
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Like other ultras out there, instead of fighting those tough moments, try to lean into them, because they are part of the story you end up telling yourself and others later.
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And also make sure you celebrate the little victories, whether that's reaching the top of a climb or spotting a beautiful sunrise.
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Let's say, on a beach after you've had a horrendous night through driving, rain and wind and it's getting close to freezing and you're shaking, close to hypothermia, I can tell you from personal experience is an absolutely beautiful sight, and that's really when I realized that this is why I'm out there not to finish, but to explore places that I haven't been before and maybe would never go back to again and experience moments like that.
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All right, some practical tips for tackling a journey race.
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As I mentioned before, journey racing requires, I think, a little bit of a different approach when it comes to preparation and strategy.
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So here's a few hints to help you potentially succeed, as you might plan your own journey race.
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I touched on it earlier Make sure you plan your gear wisely.
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Journey races require you to carry more gear.
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You're going to probably need a bigger pack.
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You're going to need to include extra food, extra clothing and probably some navigation tools.
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Make sure you invest in a comfortable, well-fitting pack and make sure you test it full of the gear you're going to use on long runs.
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There are no aid stations, there are no drop bags in this, so you've got to take with you whatever you think you are going to need for that specific race in that specific location, with that specific weather.
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You've got to have all that ready to roll in advance.
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Also, make sure you train for self-sufficiency, so practice fueling and hydration strategies that are going to work for you.
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Be prepared to manage your needs between sort of pseudo aid stations, gas stations, or there seem to be a lot of dollar generals floating around that you can use in that guise, but these can be further apart than in traditional ultras and the distance between them can vary wildly.
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Sometimes have them, sometimes don't.
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So you're gonna.
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You've got to be prepared for that and understand that going in, you've also got to be able to adapt your pacing strategy.
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So journey racing is about consistency, definitely not speed.
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Make sure you start conservatively.
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Focus on maintaining a sustainable effort over 3, 4, 5, even more in some cases days.
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Also, make sure you are good with being alone.
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Prepare mentally for some solitude.
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Journey races invariably include really long stretches where you may not see another runner.
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Make sure you're okay with that, you have a plan for that and that you can embrace that solitude as an opportunity to reflect and be mindful.
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And then, lastly here, make sure you have a plan for sleep.
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You can't get through multi-day racing like this without sleeping somewhere somehow, whether you choose to take regular naps, dirt naps, stay in a post office or a bathroom or perhaps run to a hotel each day, thus giving you a defined starting and stopping point which, I can tell you, really helps mentally along the way, whatever it is, you need to have a plan and it needs to be adaptable.
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Mid-race there are no defined sleep stations here.
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You get to choose your own, when and where you're ready.
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All right, so to wrap up, here are my key takeaways about journey races.
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Feel free to go out and look up your own.
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I think these are a tremendous way to race and much underrated.
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Number one journey races are very much about the experience, not just the finish line.
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They're going to challenge you to embrace the adventure, take you to places you've never been before, allow you to be in that place for a significant amount of time and find joy in every mile.
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Number two shift your mindset from racing to exploring.
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That's going to allow you to be more present and savor that journey, even during the tough moments which you will have.
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Number three preparing for a journey race requires careful planning, self-sufficiency and a willingness to adapt to the unexpected, so make sure you're ready for that.
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And number four the stories and connections you can make during a journey race are often the most rewarding part of the experience.
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If you've been considering signing up for a journey race, or if you've never heard of one before and now you're intrigued, definitely go out there and look for some.
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I encourage you to go for it.
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These events really do offer a unique opportunity to push your limits, to connect with nature and discover what you are truly capable of.
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You are truly capable of, so.
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If these strategies resonate with you and you're ready to take the next step in your journey, keep the conversation going.
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Don't forget to subscribe to the show.
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That way, you get notified every time a new episode drops and if you're enjoying what you hear, follow and leave a review.
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That would mean the world to me.
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Your support helps grow the podcast, helps connect it to more runners in this amazing ultra community and spreads the word to those who could benefit from the information that we're sharing.
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You can find me on Instagram and Facebook at Choose to Endure, or visit us anytime at choosetoendurecom.
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I really love hearing from you, whether that's just to say hello, suggest a topic or share your story.
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You can also email me directly at info at choosetoeenjoycom, and I will tell you, interacting with listeners, just like you, is one of my favorite parts of doing this show.
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It makes my day every time I see an email come in and it's somebody reaching out.
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So until next time, make sure you run long, check out some journey.
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Runs, run strong and keep choosing to endure.
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We'll see you next time.