Spring is a very popular time for racing, especially up in the north, where races all but disappear during the cold and snowy winter months. After a long winter of very few formal running events, spring races are a great way to stay motivated over t…
For most runners, the thought of running every single day is not something that has ever crossed their minds. However, as someone who has been a run streaker for years, I can say that running every day has made me a much stronger runner and helped m…
Participating in an ultra marathon is an incredible journey that requires physical endurance, mental resilience, and a sense of camaraderie with fellow runners. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time ultra runner, understanding race eti…
My name is Scott Devenport, and I’m a former pack-a-day smoker who now runs ultra-marathons! I’m a UESCA Running and Ultramarathon coach and UTSC 100-mile Winner in 2022. I fell in love with running, and I now run every day, including a run streak that lasted just over 1,000 days! When I’m not out getting in some mileage, I can often be found writing about anything ultramarathon or running-related as my way of sharing the incredible world of running with others. See you out on the trails!
I was in law for 16 years before starting my own cleaning business in December of 2019. I am currently in school to become a trail and ultra running coach. I am member of Mind of Matter Athletes and listed as a competitor for Momentus. I have served as an ambassador for Honey Stinger, Momentus and Texas Trail Racing Over Texas. I was super privileged and honored to be an official pacer for the Chevron Marathon and Woodlands Marathon in 2022. Next to running, reading and gardening are my hobbies. You can find me on Instagram @monica.c.ferguson.7 (the bulk of my running content is here) or Facebook.